“The keynote of the new yoga will be synthesis: its objective will be conscious development of the intuitive faculty. This development will fall into two categories: first, the development of the intuition and of true spiritual perception, and secondly, the trained utilization of the mind as an interpreting agent.”
Treatise on White Magic, pg. 429, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Press 1934


Esoteric Talks will explore various esoteric subjects in an open discussion, everything from Theosophy, Alice A. Bailey works, Yoga Sutras,Enneagram, Forth Way, Tree of Life. Using the contact page. let us know if you’d like to take part in the discussion and a zoom entry code will be sent to you.
NOTE : Online Esoteric Talks will occur every other week, twice monthly on ZOOM
If you’d like to take part in Esoteric Talks, contact us and a link will be sent to you. (there is no cost, donations are always appreciated).

When your Soul is Awakening
Esoteric philosophy and psychology are not easy to understand as there are many blinds that prevent an individual from seeing some truth until one is ready to see it. Many aspirants to the path get upset with the thought that they are not yet ready to receive Esoteric knowledge. The reason the Masters of Wisdom or advanced Initiates create veils or blinds is because they know the true workings of human psychology, and see the dangers of giving out too great a knowledge.
Read Further
Members of the Northern School of Esoteric Wisdom taking part in our WESAK Full Moon meditation celebration on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
With a short introduction on the importance of WESAK for humanity, we then began our meditation by invoking the Masters of Wisdom, then chanted the mantra of Gautama, the Buddha, finishing with the Great Invocation. Then we had snacks and excellent conversations to finish the celebration.

New In-person Event (if you are in the Toronto/Canada) area)
Northern School of Esoteric Wisdom invites you to join us for our Full Moon and Teaching Events that take place every full moon from 7:30 – 9:30pm at the Toronto Tai chi and Meditation Center, 320 Broadview Ave, (just south of Gerrard), Toronto. Please contact us via the contact page for exact dates and times.
Take part in our efforts during this full moon in Libra to help create a group inner-link alignment with the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Masters of Wisdom, opening the doorway to the deeper Mysteries, and inspire a greater service to Humanity.
We will create a focused intensity through sounding the Sacred Word, “OM” in group harmony to invoke the higher forces, inspiration, and promote inner harmony. Our meditation is purely Aquarian, applying a unified group structure of visualization, color, and sound.
Please note: Bring your own meditation pillow, (we do have a few), there are chairs also.
There is no charge to take part, but we appreciate donations to help pay for the venue

“Ryan’s account, both accessible and fascinating, takes us through the groups adventures, including inner practices (“Our chanting was creating a ‘cone of fire’ which not only protected the group, but also allowed for the downpour of energy from the higher planes”); journeys to India and Tibet, and the dynamics of relations between members….I believe that groups of this sort represent the best possibility for spiritual development today.”
– Review excerpt from Quest Magazine, Summer 2019 by Richard Smoley (Read Full Review)
“Ryan has a gift for explaining the complex and abstruse in the most lucid and accessible fashion without losing the true essence of meaning. There is an awakening, stimulating, attuning charge to the writing, the memoir told by someone with decades of practical experience and a sincere heart.”
– Review excerpt by Isobel Blackthorn, novelist, reviewer (Read Full Review)

What’s Inside the Book
You will be inspired to push yourself deeper into the world of Esoteric Wisdom when you read about what happens when Master of Wisdom, gives the group, through my teacher, a Word of Power. Our ability to use this Word of Power matured into deeper Esoteric knowledge that blossomed, only after intense group effort and discipline. To my knowledge, there are no books presently available that discuss the Group Work that lasted for 30 years on the physical plane, and indicates the future of spiritual development and Initiation like this book. This book is written in a story form, integrated with new teachings of the esoteric Path. The teachings in my book are a syntheisis of the Ageless Wisdom including Theosophy/Tibetan Master DK’s work as presented through Alice A. Bailey, Vajrayana Buddhist practice, Yoga Vidya, and the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky Forth Way.
1) Information and actual experiences of the Dweller on the Threshold
2) Ordeals on the path in the process of Initiation (Initiate are made not born)
3) Group work and group problems
4) Successes and failures and what happens on the path of initiation
5) Astral attacks, some examples, and how to overcome them
6) Love, sex and problems seen from an esoteric viewpoint
7) Insights into the Sacred Science of Mantra…Om mani padme hum explained
8) Atma-Vidya, the key to deeper understanding of the teachings of the Master DK
9) Meditation charts of the Occult Constitution of Man
FUNDRAISER – We Need Your Help
Restoring the Sacred Hanuman Park in Ootay, India
A group of us from Toronto Esoteric Group visited the Hanuman Park in Ooty last October 2022.
The park is beautiful, situated on a small rising hill in the Nilgiri Hills. Statues of Hanuman are placed at various locations as you ascend up the hill. Unfortunately, many of the statues are broken, weather beaten, or very discoloured.
We were very disheartened seeing the apparent neglect of the upkeep of the statues of Hanuman. We are Canadian, and spent 2 months in India, visiting the Shri Hanuman Mandir Jakoo in Shimla, and Hanuman Mandir in New Delhi. Having seen other beautiful statues of Hanuman that were in excellent condition, it really saddened us to see these 21 statues of Hanuman in such poor condition.
When we were leaving the park, we felt a strong inspiration to find a way to get the Hanuman statues restored, so the Divine essence of Hanuman can properly be expressed through his Divine Rupa.
We are serious students of the Sanatana Dharma, and have an understanding of the importance of the Divine form (rupa) of deity. Join us in this effort to raise funds to restore Hanuman Park back to its pristine beauty and Divine purpose.